William Hildebrand
Ordained: 0
Diocese: Diocese of Pittsburgh
From Report I of the 40th Statewide Investigating Grand Jury for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania:
In May 2014, four adult males reported that they were abused by Brother William Hildebrand, who was a member of the Marianist Order. The first male stated that he was a student at North Catholic High School during the 1952-1956 school year. During a time period when the young man was utilizing crutches, Hildebrand rubbed his behind. The young man told Hildebrand to get away from him.
The second male reported that he was a student at North Catholic High School during the 1960’s school year. He stated that Hildebrand managed the school bookstore and would get the students to go behind the counter so that he could have sex education talks with them and touch them. He accused Hildebrand of inappropriately touching him.
The third male advised that he was a student at North Catholic High School from 1959-1961. He explained that Hildebrand was his Latin teacher and would make him stay after school. He reported that Hildebrand made him pull down his pants and then groped him. He stated that this occurred on three to four occasions before he dropped out of school.
The fourth male was a student at North Catholic High School from 1956-1960. He accused Hildebrand of inappropriately touching him.
In June 2014, a 69-year-old male reported that he was abused by Hildebrand when he was a student at North Catholic High School during the 1959 school year. He stated that during his freshman year, he went to the school bookstore in order to purchase a new notebook. While there, he stated that Hildebrand grabbed his genitals.
The records indicated that the Diocese attempted to reach out to the victims regarding counseling.
Additional information regarding the widespread sexual abuse of children within the Catholic Dioceses of Pennsylvania and the systemic cover up by senior church officials is compiled in the Pennsylvania Diocese Victim’s Report published by the Pennsylvania Attorney General following a two-year grand jury investigation. A complete copy of the Report is available on the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s website.